The SDK’s currently only support real-time monitoring which is only available for Enterprise customers. To upgrade, get in touch with our sales team.

Kadoa provides SDKs to simplify features integration. If you use a language or framework that is not supported, you can use our REST API to interact with Kadoa.

Available SDKs


To get the most out of this guide, you’ll need to:

  • Have access to an existing Team or account, depending on the feature you want to use.
  • Get an API key


Install the Python SDK using pip:

pip install kadoa-sdk

Listen to real-time changes

from kadoa_sdk import Kadoa
kadoa_props = {
    "team_api_key": TEAM_API_KEY

kadoa_client = Kadoa(**kadoa_props)

def process_event(event):



Install the TypeScript SDK using npm:

npm install @kadoa/node

Listen to real-time changes

import { Kadoa } from "@kadoa/node";

const kadoaProps = {
  teamApiKey: process.env.KADOA_TEAM_API_KEY,
const kadoaClient = new Kadoa(kadoaProps);

const customProcessEvent = (event) => {
  console.log("Event received:", event);
